Creative SMS, EMAIL, IM and PIN messages Art
Share to World by:
- Copy to Clipboard (and use any other app in BlackBerry)
- E-mail
- PIN message
for all phones with OS 4.6 - 4.7.1
Display Dimensions
240x320, 320x240, 360x400, 360x480, 480x320, 480x360
Operating System
4.6, 4.7 Non-Touch, 4.7 Touch Screen
for all phone with OS 5.0 - 6.0
Display Dimensions
240x320, 320x240, 360x400, 360x480, 480x320, 480x360
Operating System
5.0 Non-Touch, 5.0 Touch Screen, 6.0 Non-Touch, 6.0 Touch Screen
No Serial Needed